Clothesline Logic

Clothesline Logic by Rikki Santer
Clothesline Logic by Rikki Santer

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                    CONTACT:  Jennifer Bosveld, Publisher

Pudding House’s Newest Offering:

Poems by Columbus Poet, Rikki Santer

“Rikki Santer’s poems revel in their own language and music without going into the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E POEM dead end of self-absorption and indecipherability.”

the late David Citino, Ohio poet and professor

“The language of this manuscript pushes the edge, and the spiral of its focus is provocative and intriguing.”

Diane Frank, chief editor, Blue Light Press

Pudding House Press is proud to present, Clothesline Logic, the newest collection from Columbus poet, Rikki Santer, who won finalist recognition in our 2009 national chapbook competition.  “Santer crafts her language with wit and joy,” says Pudding House publisher Jennifer Bosveld.  “It is clear that she is attracted to the interplay of content with form as well as to the sly underbelly of satire–from the fetishizing of popular culture to the sticky tangles of philosophy.  And yet some of her poems are quiet and wise, examining the elegant simplicities of humanity’s corollary in nature.”

Rikki Santer has worked as a journalist, a magazine and book editor, co-founder and managing editor of an alternative city newspaper, a poet-in-the schools, and her all-time favorite job–bagel street vendor. She earned a M.A. degree in journalism from Kent State University and a M.F.A.  degree in creative writing from The Ohio State University. Her work has won honors from  The Poetry Forum (the William Redding Memorial Contest), Black Lawrence Press (the St. Lawrence Book Award Competition), the Ohio Poetry Association, and the Best of Ohio Writer Contest sponsored by the Poets’ & Writers’ League of Greater Cleveland. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including Ms. Magazine, Poetry East, Grimm, Margie, Potomac Review, Alabama Literary Review, Asphodel, The Adirondack Review, Main Street Rag, as well as several anthologies. She currently lives in Columbus, Ohio where she teaches literature, writing, and film studies.  Her first poetry collection, Front Nine: A Biography of Place, which explores the mysteries of the Newark, Ohio Earthworks, was published by Kulupi Press.

Clothesline Logic by Rikki Santer is available for $10.  Please contact her through this website for a mailed copy.


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